When you are ready to write dialogue, hit the TAB key and type a character name. Hit ENTER again and the program knows you are writing scene/action description. Hit ENTER and the program instantly knows you are ready to begin writing a scene heading slug. Typing Fade In" automatically converts it to all capital letters (scene heading slugs are automatically done in this manner as well).

Just set up your basic parameters: script format, title, etc. Writing a script with Movie Magic is effortless. So, with four or five other screenplay formatting programs out there plus a few Microsoft Word "add-on" macro formatting aids, why would you choose Movie Magic? Ease of use and simplicity. StoryPros "Real World Analysis" of Movie Magic Screenwriter: * Plus free phone, internet and email technical support
* Full set of reports to generate set lists and rundowns, and number of scenes each character is in, etc. * 8 different script formats including animation, TV, and multimedia * Spell checking (including a real-time auto-correction) and a built-in thesaurus * Detailed export to Movie Magic Scheduling * Production features and script analysis features

* Index cards, script notes, simple entry of character names, and smart margin changing. * Real-time internet collaboration with a writing partner including script compare to highlight version differences * Automatic industry standard script formatting using a simple TAB-ENTER system The advanced features are there when you need them, but won't get in the way of basic scriptwriting.
Movie Magic Screenwriter is a powerful screenplay formatting software program that is packed with advanced features but is simple enough for any novice to use.